I will begin making occasional blog posts here eventually, but I suppose the main function of this is to be a journal for me. Somewhere for me to post and be held accountable for actually doing stuff. We'll see how well that goes.

This used to be a habit of mine. It's fallen by the wayside over the last year or so. Perhaps with the new website, I'll be more diligent about it.
Some time soon, I'll go over some of the inner demons and such that have been a difficulty over the last year, but this is not the time for that. For now, I'll say that I am doing well, or at least well enough. It's gotten me to a place that I can return to writing and streaming.
Speaking of, I decided to combine the two for today. In my mind, I imagined it as a fun return to streaming--writing for a couple of hours and the potential for one or two folks to come along for it and hangout. Maybe joke a little, or perhaps they'd write, too.
Well, that's not quite how it went. True, it was good to write again, and a couple of folks did, indeed, hang out with me for a bit of it. But allergies also showed up. I sneezed and snotted more than anything. Ultimately, I took a Benadryl in hopes of falling into a coma. Did a nasal rinse too. Called the stream a little short and then crashed for about four hours.
It wasn't all bad, though. The company was good, and I did get about 1,200 words down. I'll call that a success. I'll be doing this from time to time. For now, the plan is to do it each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am PT / Noon ET. We shall see how it goes.
The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. Sleepiness, sneezing, and misery just about sum it up. Here, at the end of the night, the allergies are finally relenting. Tomorrow will be better! And with that, I'm gonna try for another coma. Good night!