Welcome to the new look of edwardpatrickwrites.com ! The host for the previous version had become quite unreliable, and then announced they were ceasing operation. As it turns out, this was a blessing in disguise--I think the new version looks much better!

I'm also pleased to say that I am chipping away more diligently on Book Two of the Grey & White series. It will be titled All for a Feast of Stones. I do not have an exact approximation yet for its release, but it will be in 2023. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
I am learning more about self-publishing, and there are steps I'll be taking in the lead-up to releasing this one, so I have some research and such to do, but I'll be working on that while also continuing to work on the novel itself.
In terms of content, I can say that I am absolutely loving Feast in a way that I never quite loved Rage. While I am proud of my first novel, I see many faults in it (as I think most authors would say), and I can see where most of my weaknesses were in my writing. I like to believe I have improved on those.
This is a short post, but I'm going to leave off here for now. I plan on being more active with this blog moving forward, even though I doubt anyone will find it for quite some time. Better to form habits now, though. Until next time, take care.